Chameleon country, it is time for our annual Walk-A-Thon. This year’s theme is “Active Bodies, Active Minds.” Our goal is to raise $35,000.00. With the money raised, we hope to buy enhanced reading materials for each grade, interactive learning rugs, a gaga ball pit, and an outdoor learning center. The more money we raise, the more items we can buy for our school. Fundraising will begin on September 18th and end on October 7th. During the fundraiser you can win a variety of prizes depending on how much money you raise for the school. The top fundraiser of the school will get a $100 gift card to All-Star Sports and the runner up will get a $50.00 gift card to Carousel. We will conclude our fundraiser with our Walk-A-Thon event, which will take place on October 3rd, from 5:30-7:30. During this event, families will get to run the halls, have dinner, dance away in the gym, and play various carnival games. We are excited to see how much money we can raise for our hardworking students, teachers and staff!